Monday, August 18, 2008

OUR EYES MET, or Alluring Ourselves In, Hook, Line and Sinker, with Trebbe Johnson

Luscious dripping blueberries. Thick fluffy baked bread. Warm tea, chilly afternoon. Trebbe Johnson knows how to make the small pleasures in life a big part of her own. So much so that her voice itself almost sounds like caramel dripping off the spoon of her words. "Go take a walk around, and pay attention to what allures you." Allure. Allures. Allurement.

What happens when we follow what allures us? What happens when we dive right in to what calls us forth, in, or out of ourselves, to passionately follow the passion of ourselves daringly wherever it may lead? We are walking on dangerous ground here. We just might fall in love; not with something, someone, but with love. We might just fall in love with love. I think if Trebbe was a superhero, her superpower is to enchant people into being inspired by life. To clear the ground so we can find a way back into falling in love with something. To connect her back to Dave Talamo; to find our way back into the wondering again. To rediscover our wonder!

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